
USB Apps

Mobile tools without internet


Can you imagine getting your work done without your favourite apps and computer programs? Sometimes, our trainers and field workers have to. When working in the field in remote locations, we don’t always have access to our usual set of tools. Portable Apps are a way to make sure that people have the tools they need, even when working in places where the infrastructure is limited, or unknown in advance. They provide commonly used and favourite apps, which people can carry with them on a USB key, which can be used with any PC, anywhere at all.


What can you do when you need to skype someone but Skype is not installed? What do you do when you need to edit documents but the editor on your computer is not working properly? Often, on missions in the field, our teams find themselves in situations where they lack the computer infrastructure they are used to having. Portable apps provide them with a way to access the tools they need, regardless of whether they are available in the training institution they’re visiting or in the hotel they’re staying at. Via a simple, lightweight USB key, a whole library of computer tools becomes available.


In the last few years, ITC-ILO staff members have started to carry a USB key on missions, with the free version of Portable Apps installed. Portable Apps is a handy tool that contains all the tools our team members usually need for work and for training purposes. The USB keys are a handy “plan B” when the actual computer infrastructure is limited or suddenly stops working. Last but not least, they’re giving a new purpose to USB technology, now that most content is moving towards the cloud.

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